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Women’s events:

Special social events, lectures and shiurim for women throughout the year. Keep up with the latest programs by subscribing to the Kollel’s email lists. Send requests to

Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi:

The popular lectures of Rebbetzin Yemima Mizrachi are shown for the Miami community throughout the year.

Empower Your Teffilos:

For Women: Tuesdays 9:15-10:15am

Empower your tefillos by learning its meaning and message. Learn how, what and when women should Daven.

-Rabbi Y. Gross - Rosh Kollel


Shmooze and Chews:

Be inspired for Zman Matan Torah, Get new ideas and recipes, meet with friends, sample some Milchig and Pareve Yom Tov food!


Kiddush / Seuda Shlishis With Friends


Shabbos is a special time for family and friends. It is a time to strengthen old friendships to develop new ones. The women’s Kiddush on Shabbos Mivarchim and Seudas Shlishis on summer afternoons provide for busy mothers and wives to spend time together enjoying true Oneg Shabbos.

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784