Remote Learning
Regular Kollel Schedule
Misechtas Shabbos -Rabbi Nussi Zemel Z”L shiur:
Daily 5:45-6:50 am Rabbi Elchanon Zweig
Learn Mesechtas Shabbos with an interactive and thorough look at the sugyos through the Reshonim and Poskim. Chazara. Ten minutes of Musaar at the end of each shiur.
Morning Gemara Shiur: Eirachim:
Daily 6:00-6:45 am. Rav Tzvi Neuhaus -Rav, Cong. Ahavas Torah
Start each morning with Limud Hatorah, studying Gemara Gitin with Rashi, Tosfos, Reshonim and Achronim
Weekdays 7:30-8:30 am Rav Zvi Yehuda Smith
A morning Baale Battim Kollel in the Kollel’s Bais Baruch. Participants learn Gemara B’Iyun with Chavrusos.
Mon- Thur 9:30-10:25 am - Sukah B’iyun - Rabbi Yossi Manne
Mon 10:30-11:30 am - Halacha of the Parsha - Rav Yaacov Gross
Tue 10:30-11:30 am- Hashkafa of the Parsha- Rav Yehoshua Sova
Wed 10:30-11:30 am- Hashkafa & Halacha- Rav Dovid Schoen
Thur- 10:30-11:30 am- Insights in Tefilah - Rav Moshe Medresh
Weekly Parsha in AM:
Wednesdays 8:20-9:00 am Rabbi Yekusiel Stern
Learn fascinating insights into the weekly parsha culled from many classic and contemporary Torah giants and glean new understandings of timely issues.
North-Beach Lunch Class: Kedushas Levi - Lunch Provided
Wed. 12:00-1:00 pm Rabbi Y. Gross - Rosh Kollel
At law office of: J.H. Zidell 300 71st St.
Add Torah to your work day by attending this informative and interesting shiur during lunch hour and learn famous Sefer Kedushas Levi
One on One Chavrusos:
Yungerleit are available to learn one-on-one with participants on almost any Torah subject. This is the preferred way of studying as it is done in yeshivas. For those who can make the commitment.
Shulchan Aruch:
Monday - Wednesday 8:15-9:00 pm Rabbi Y. Gross - Rosh Kollel
This interactive and exciting Shiur by the Rosh Kollel is studying Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh Deah with an in-depth study of the text, halacha and interesting and practical shaylos discussed each day.
In Hilchos Shabbos:
Wednesdays 8:15 -9:00 pm Rabbi Shmuel Stein
Practical halachic shaylos in hilchos Shabbos. Each week you’ll learn the reasons and contemporary opinions of different relevant questions.
Iyun in the Parsha:
Thursdays 9:00 -9:45 pm Rabbi Yossi Stern
Learn the weekly Parsha with lessons Divrei Torah from Rishonim and Achronim. Includes a Dvar Torah or two for you to share at your Shabbos Seuda.
Daf Hayomi:
Sunday - Thursday 8:50-9:45 pm Rabbi Y. Gross - Rosh Kollel
Friday& Sunday 8:30am
Be part of the word-wide Daf Yomi program and develop the discipline and stamina to study a Daf of Gemara each and every day and finish Shas in seven and a half years.
Hilchos Shabbos:
Shabbos 11:00-11:30 am Rabbi Y. Gross - Rosh Kollel
To properly observe Shabbos, one must learn and regularly review its halachos. Learn Mishna Berura Hilchos Shabbos every Shabbos after davening.
Sfas Emes on the Parsha:
Shabbos morning after the kiddush Rabbi Berish Braun
Learn much deeper meanings and lessons of the weekly parsha and have a dvar Torah to share at your seuda, through the Divrei Torah of this classic sefer.
Shabbos Afternoon Chabura: Shabbos:
Winter 3:30 Summer 4:00- Mincha Rabbi Shlomo Kravetz
With no cell phones, business obligations or other distractions, Shabbos afternoons offer a unique opportunity for to learn with Minuchas Hanefesh.
Legal Holiday Program:
Shiur prep. 9:20-9:45 am
Shiur 9:50-10:45 am -For Men & Women-
On legal holidays, the Kollel offers a halachic shiur by the Rosh Kollel on relevant topics. The shiur is preceded by learning the background sugyos on the topic. Refreshments are served.